SEIU State Council, Coalition for Social Justice Endorse Jesse Mermell for Congress in MA-04

Jun 10, 2020

JUNE 10, 2020

SEIU State Council, Coalition for Social Justice Endorse Jesse Mermell for Congress in MA-04

Mermell is strongest candidate in crowded field to stand up to Trump, fight for workers, and lead an equitable response to COVID-19

FALL RIVER – The SEIU Massachusetts State Council and Coalition for Social Justice (CSJ) today endorsed Jesse Mermell for Congress in the Massachusetts’ Fourth District, the largest unified endorsement yet in the 11-person race.

The unions of the state council and CSJ unanimously agreed that Mermell is the strongest candidate to go to Washington and take on Donald Trump’s anti-worker agenda, protect labor rights, and lead an equitable response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As the voice of more than 100,000 frontline workers across Massachusetts, the SEIU State Council is proud to unanimously endorse progressive fighter Jesse Mermell for Congress,” said FayeRuth Fisher, President, SEIU Massachusetts State Council. “SEIU has worked hand in hand with Jesse over the years to fight for the protections and benefits that the hardworking people of Massachusetts deserve. We know that she will be a true workers’ champion in Congress.”

“1199 SEIU’s more than 60,000 health care workers across Massachusetts are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis every day and they need a Congresswoman who is in their corner,” said Tim Foley, Executive Vice President of 1199 SEIU. “Our members need a Congresswoman who will fearlessly stand up for our values, stand up to Donald Trump, and fight for the PPE, pay, and benefits that essential workers deserve. We know that Jesse Mermell will be a champion for workers and will fight for a fair economy that works for everyone.”

“Jesse Mermell has built her career fighting for social justice and economic opportunity for all,” said Deb Fastino, Executive Director of the Coalition for Social Justice. “In this moment, when so many crises are coming to a head at once, weneed a progressive champion in Washington who has the vision, experience, and drive to fight for equity, racial justice, and a fair economy. Jesse has been leading this fight for the past 20 years, and CSJ looks forward to continuing to partner with her as she takes this fight to Washington.”

Mermell is a former leader at Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, senior member of Governor Deval Patrick’s administration, Brookline Select Board Member, and President of the Alliance for Business Leadership. She worked alongside SEIU and CSJ to champion pro-worker policies in Massachusetts such as Paid Family and Medical Leave, the Fair Share amendment and a $15 minimum wage as an active member of the Raise Up Massachusetts coalition.

Mermell launched her campaign for Congress in Fall River in October on a platform of taking on Donald Trump, fighting for workers’ rights, and advocating for affordable health care and reproductive justice.

“I’m honored that SEIU and the Coalition for Social Justice have placed their trust in me and endorsed my campaign to be the first Congresswoman from the Massachusetts Fourth Congr

essional District,” said Mermell. “SEIU and CSJ are on the frontlines everyday standing up for workers. Throughout my 20-year career, I have been a frequent partner with both organizations, and now I’m ready to go to DC to continue that partnership as a champion in Congress for working families. Together, we will stand up to Donald Trump’s anti-worker agenda, fight to strengthen labor protections, and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic in a way that centers workers, racial justice, and equity.”

The SEIU Massachusetts State Council includes the local unions SEIU 509, 1199 SEIU, SEIU 888, SEIU 32BJ, SEIU 3 FO, and the SEIU Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR) and collectively represents more than 106,500 healthcare workers, public service workers, human service workers, educators, and property services workers.

The Coalition for Social Justice (CSJ) is a grassroots organization dedicated to building a grassroots movement for progressive social change, rooted in communities that have been excluded from the economic benefits of the current system, with a focus on race and gender.

SEIU and CSJ join a growing coalition of local, state, and national progressive leaders who have endorsed Mermell, including Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, the Massachusetts State Council of Machinists, former Massachusetts First Lady Diane Patrick, and champion for women’s equality Barbara Lee. A full list of Mermell’s endorsements can be found here.